
Chapter 2

“I contracted pardon?!!!!” Alex looked at Doctor Owen with disbelieve.


Reality check time.

The news of Alex the Endymion coming out of coma quickly spread the entire hospital. Everyone now knew there is a long asleep patient waked up after over two months’ coma. Now at his room, there are doctors, nurses, Alex’s families, med students, and other nosy people (god knows who they are) now all jammed in the room like sardines. This was ridiculous really, we all had two arms, two legs, and a head. It just that his was a bit malfunction, that was all. But I guessed part of the human nature was watching other people suffered for your own entertainment. What? You wouldn’t? You’ve got to be kidding, are you? How many times you watched the crown tripped themselves and nearly laughed your sucks off? Why the movie “Titanic” was one of the most profitable movies of all time? The fact was it doesn’t matter you are Prime Minister or toilet cleaning lady, at the end of the day, we all found some footballer’s affair was much more interesting than the red roses growing at our very own backyard.

Someone helped Alex sat up, since he is unable to move from neck down.

Doctor Owens was giving him the status update.

Poor fellow.

Me, Joanne and Zoë stood at the corner of the room, watching the colour on Alex’s face slowly drained away. His parents, standing next to his bed, weeping. Explaining to the patients what happened to them, I always hated this. It never got any easier.

The truths are always hard to swallow.

“What did you said to him?” Zoë whispered.


“The sleeping handsome.” Zoë’s nickname for Alex the Endymion.


“Seriously? Well, you obviously drew his attention from dreamland. Now he’s awake.” Joanna joked.

“I just happened to be there right then.” I weakly explained. Christ knew why on earth he would awake after my confession.

Doctor Owen finished the status update, looking at Alex the Endymion, waiting to see if he got any question.

His face still looked puzzle. This is a psychologist would called “In Denial” period. The reality hasn’t been properly processed and digested inside his brain. We all have this in our life from time to time. Being dump by boyfriends, people we love suddenly passed away, etc. Our brain just refused to accept the reality that presented right in front of us.

You know what I mean.

“You are kidding, right?” Alex looked at Doctor Owen.

“Well, we hope we are. But we aren’t.”

Alex’s face looks even whiter.

A long minute silence.

“Arrh,” Doctor Own cleared his throat: “If there are no other questions, I think I will leave you guys here. Mr. and Mrs. Simpson, will you please come to the counter later when you got some time to arrange a suitable time for rehab?”

Mr. and Mrs Simpson nodded, still weeping.

Without saying one more word, Alex sat in bed like a marble statue.

Alright then, shows finished.

People started to leave the room.

The reality hit Alex a few hours later.

That was actually quicker than I thought.

Everyone at the nurse station heard a very loud bang. When we all rushed there, found Alex lying on the floor, roaring, shouting, tears streaming down his face.


Followed by another long, hopeless, injured roaring. The kind of roaring that would make everybody’s heart ache.

Apparently the nurse was going to give him a bath. Alex insisted he could do this himself. To prove it, he tried to move himself into the wheelchair. Well…. We all could imagine what happened next.

That was not a glorious site (although he still looked incredibly sexy under this circumstance). There was nothing worst to a man (probably to a woman) than unable to control his (or her) own body. Like a clawless lion unable to hunt, hairless Samson unable to preform his power, your mind was free but it was trapped in a useless body.

You could try this at home. Tied yourself with a rope from neck down. Tried to move around with it. Yeah, that’s right.

Now multiplied it by 3, plus 2 embarrassments and 5 humiliations.

You see what I mean?

The male nurse who came to pick him up stood there, looked clueless, frighten and awkward about what to do next.

After a while, someone finally stepped forward to help the nurse putting Alex in the wheelchair.

He looked as if the life had left his body when they pushed him away.

I felt really awful for him.

The philosophy of Life is a bitch once again been proven correct.

I went home next morning with total depression, disappointment and frustration. Talking to people (alright, I’ve only talked to two people throughout the day. One I didn’t think she understand the whole situation entirely and the other one, I didn’t think he know me that well to give me any suggestion, plus I honestly thought he just couldn’t have any spare time to give me any bloody advice because I reckoned he had bigger things to worry about at the moment) was not helpful at all. At the end, I still stock in this stupid relationship chaos.

I knew I had to make a choice here. I knew it would do both of us no good if I kept dragging this for too long. But how many of your guys actually did what your logic senses guided you, like, every time? How many of you knew you shouldn’t spend too much money on that stupid looking Gucci dress which possibly only last one season, but you went ahead and spending your whole month’s salary on it, eating just toast bread and mineral water for the rest of the month (and that dress forever hanging in the closet)? How many of you knew the consequences of sleep late was ended up stuck in the traffic among with other lazy buggers, all cursing at the same time, but you did it anyway?

How many of you knew you shouldn’t slept with that guy off the lift because his girlfriend happened to be your best friend, but you went ahead anyway because he was so cute? (Alright, that’s not a good example) How many of you knew you should left a note on the dashboard of that poor unfortunate thinkofmebumb neighbour’s car you just hit next to the road, but you drove away anyway and curse with him when he mentioned about it to you, pretend some other bastard did it? How many of you knew so well that smoking was terribly bad both for you and others, but you still had to take up to 2 packets of Peter Stuyvesant each day?

You got the picture.

I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. The fear of possibility not able to see him ever again after breaking up with him was so great that rolled out whatever idea and logic sense I had in mind.

Coward, thy name is Isabella.

Sometimes I wished I was still a kid so my mum or dad could do this for me like go over to Carl and said “My daughter can’t be with anymore because you no longer want to play with her.” or “ You two should play together. Here! Come sit together!” or something.

Being adult could be really sucks sometimes.

Why on earth every kid’s biggest dream was to be a grown up?

I decided to leave it as it is, let the matter ran its course.

A very typical coward behaviour.

As for Alex.

He turned from a sleeping god to Adolf Hitler overnight.

(to be continued..)
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