
Ambrosia's first year.jpg

 Since Ambrosia, I began developing this habit of going to bed at wee hours in the morning. Not that I have the insomnia or something, it was just a gradual thing. Ambrosia’s sleeping routine was a lot different than Horatio’s. She usually had her midnight/three o’clock feed, and could sleep up to 8 o’clock the next day. I am that kind of person who gets very grumpy being wake up when not having sufficient sleep (which is all the time since God knows when). Might as well stay up and feed her.


 I know, you don’t have to do that with a baba at her age anymore. But old habit die hard, children’s body choose to grow bones around midnight, I think I will stick with it for a while


 Mother would probably start worrying, complaining loudly it’s not good for your health as 10 pm to 5 am is usually the time your body repairing themselves. Oh, well, what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her. Shiiiiiish…


 Finish watching the ‘Fringe’ TV series weekly replay (I could never catch up with their usual screening time. 8.30pm was the most chaotic time of the day. Impossible to sit down and finish a good tele show), flip through a few chapters of whatever book I have in hand, prepare Horatio’s lunchbox, walk around the house to check every door is shut (weird ritual of mine), got the warm bottle (expressed breastmilk, don’t scream) handy and creep into Ambrosia’s room.


 She was blissfully asleep. Her little wee body was moving gently with her breath. Children, they are angels when sleeping.


 Soothingly wake up the wee baba. Half awaken, she seems to know what’s coming, moving her mouth around to locate the bottle and settling into a relaxing mode after successfully locate one of her most favourite item at this point and time.


 Tremendous satisfaction watching them being feed.


 Start humming some lullaby. Half way through, suddenly noticed something, I stopped.


 Déjà vu. I had similar experience like this before.


 It’s been a while, but there were once upon the time. I was in completely different room, midnight, feeding the then wee little Horatio.


 Where had all the times gone? Since when had my little man grown up to a 4 years old, and it had now been replaced with this little apple in my arms, who is about to turn 1 tomorrow?


 I took my time this time around, trying my best to enjoy every moment--not refer to the childcare book, attempting to tick through every developmental milestone and stress the hell out when the baby haven’t achieve certain progress. Still, when realize my little girl is about to turn one; it still comes quite a shock.


 A year had been gone.




 What a year.


 It was a tremendous privilege to watch the child of your own grow from the little tiny creature they handed over to you in the hospital to this little wee bundle who will beam and gives you the most beautiful melon grin when seeing you. I have this opportunity twice, and feel really grateful for both. Any mothers who have the child of their own would know this feeling.


 I love them both to bits.


 The sky outside getting brighter. Ambrosia finished her feed, happily holding her bottle and glace around. Finding me looking at her, she gave me the sweetest smile.


 My heart instantly swollen with joy.


 Happy birthday, my dear sweet darling.




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