


Pic: Beautiful Lemon flower.


 Playing around with the online sticker counter. You know, one of those ‘XXXX, XX Year and XX Months and XX weeks XX Days’ thingy. Hadn’t been ‘renovating’ my blog for a little while. Decided to move things around a bit and added a few new stuff. It’s actually quite a geeky but fun thing to do. Watching all the good things in your life been converted into different units.


 I waited for the Firefox to renew the window. It wasn’t long before the finishing product presented in front of my eyes.


 I paused for a moment.


 A bit hard to believe.


 Goodness, have it been this long?


 12 years, 2 months, 1 week and 6 days ago, a month after our first date at the downtown wharf, you shyly asked me to be your girlfriend.


 8 years ago, at Registry office, we took the oath in front of a red, red wall, surrounded by a handful of friends and relatives.


 Like someone pressed a fast forward button, everything flashed through in the blink.


 Life before we met was like black and white movie.


 Life after we are together was like colour movie.


 And, life after the children was like suddenly gone 3D.


 Between, jobs, children, and other inny-weeny tiny stuff, suddenly, 8 years of our life together had gone before we noticed.


 Bon Anniversaire, my dearest’s dear.


 Another 8 years, another pinch of salt, perhaps?


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