
Picture: Feeding the wee Ambrosia.

Had a few emotional ups and down since having Ambrosia.

Little Horatio had grown incredibly close with his father. Almost everyday without fail, as soon as he heard the garage door opened, he immediately jump up and rushed to greet his daddy. Our early morning snuggle is long gone, instead he goes to daddy's (me and Ambrosia stay in the guest bedroom so her cry won't wake everybody up). Last weekend during one particular tantrum (he refused to take afternoon nap)(as much as other kids had long given up this routine, I am still very firm about his afternoon sleep. I believe children grow the most when they are asleep), he actually shouted: "I hate you, mummy!"(now I have no idea where he got that idea from, no one in our family taught him about the 'hate' word)

It breaks my heart, to be honest.

Today I decided having some alone time with him. Steven would look after the wee Ambrosia (which turned out to be a bit of drama on itself, but that's completely different story, let's not dwell on that), me and Horatio went for our weekly grocery shopping. We used to do that quite a bit, almost every weekend really.

After questioning where is his precious little sister (he did adore her to bits, not a single sign of  jealousy shown to date) and who will be looking after her etc. He suddenly had this greatest happiest grin I had ever seen on his face. We headed to the supermarket, parked the car. Horatio decided to hold my hand. We walked towards the entrance together.

"Mummy!" He sighed. Today, mummy is his and only his. He doesn't have to share with anybody.

On that moment, I know Horatio still loves me dearly.

My heart filled with great joy.


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