
 I read somewhere lately that one of many ways to unwind yourself is not to watch tele an hour after you got home. I thought this is a good idea and would like to give it a try. The article didn't really say if it works to a woman with kiddies,'s not hurt trying, isn't it?  Usually after I got home, I would put on 'Teletubbies', 'Hairy Maclarry', 'Wiggles' or 'Bubba' for Horatio to watch while I can surf the net or doing some other house chores. That never work well as Horatio tends to be more interested in what I was doing than what's on the tele. Ended up we both got really stress as I was pretty much get nothing done and Horatio kept wondering why was mammy keep sitting in front of computers.

 Last Friday he managed to break the video recorder (don' t ask me how he did it, he just did. Now it only have sound but no image). I thought this would be a perfect time to start this 'No Tele' hour method. So this Monday after I picked up Horatio from daycare and arrived home, I started fighting with all the urges to turn on the tele and do absolutely nothing but playing with Horatio instead.

 Do you know that your kids can sense you when you are in the good mood and behave accordingly? Well, Horatio soon realised mammy wasn't going to do anything or rush to anywhere today, he was in heaven. We played chasy around the house and front garden (our house don't really have a back garden), draw pictures, having 'naughty' snacks, jumping on the matress in the master bedroom (mum will faint when she saw it, but I reckoned it's jolly good fun, since we don't have a trampoline so....) while singing the infamous Wiggle song 'Time Me Kangaroo Down, Sport', reading some of his favourite bookies, or playing hide and seek...we had so much fun, completly unaware an hour had passed and my husband was standing at the hallway staring at us with great amusment (we had internal access to the garage so when you come into the house from there, you usually standing at the hallway) (he usually arrived between 7.00pm to 7.30pm).

 We've been doing it for a few days now. It's not exactly unwind (how can you unwind if you have a wide awake kiddy with you?), but watching Horatio having so much fun with mammy certainly just as equally nice.

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