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 Saw this one madamed’s and thought that’s a interesting topic to do (美女之一, 美女之二, 中場插播:痞子法的TYPE, 美女之三, 美女之四, 男人們〈之一〉, 男人們〈之二〉, 美女之五 ).


Rachel Weisz

rachel weisz2.jpg  


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 Saw this one madamed’s and thought that’s a interesting topic to do (美女之一, 美女之二, 中場插播:痞子法的TYPE, 美女之三, 美女之四, 男人們〈之一〉, 男人們〈之二〉, 美女之五 ).

 Sophie Marceau


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 Saw this one madamed’s and thought that’s a interesting topic to do (美女之一, 美女之二, 中場插播:痞子法的TYPE, 美女之三, 美女之四, 男人們〈之一〉, 男人們〈之二〉, 美女之五 ).

 Victoria Beckhams



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 Saw this one madamed’s and thought that’s a interesting topic to do (美女之一, 美女之二, 中場插播:痞子法的TYPE, 美女之三, 美女之四, 男人們〈之一〉, 男人們〈之二〉, 美女之五 ).

 Natalie Portman.


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 Saw this one madamed’s and thought that’s a interesting topic to do (美女之一, 美女之二, 中場插播:痞子法的TYPE, 美女之三, 美女之四, 男人們〈之一〉, 男人們〈之二〉, 美女之五 ).



 I was half way through my Otherworldly article when Steven spots my previous work.


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Saw this one madamed’s and thought that’s a interesting topic to do (美女之一, 美女之二, 中場插播:痞子法的TYPE, 美女之三, 美女之四, 男人們〈之一〉, 男人們〈之二〉, 美女之五 ).

 Dakota Fanning

dakota fanning1.jpg


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  Saw this one madamed’s and thought that’s a interesting topic to do (美女之一, 美女之二, 中場插播:痞子法的TYPE, 美女之三, 美女之四, 男人們〈之一〉, 男人們〈之二〉, 美女之五 ).

 Keanu Reeeves




 Need I say more? This half English, ¼ Hawaiian, ¼ Chinese had been the heartthrob since the lat 80’s. He was on the top of my drooling list until Ioan came along. It’s hard to believe he just turn 40. Goodness, where has all the time gone?

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 Saw this one madameds and thought thats a interesting topic to do (美女之一, 美女之二, 中場插播:痞子法的TYPE, 美女之三, 美女之四, 男人們〈之一〉, 男人們〈之二〉, 美女之五 ).


 Ioan Gruffudd


 After discovered him on the BBC drama Hornblower, the handsome Walsh actor had officially became my all time drooling list number one (see how much the impact of men in uniform done to me?). 


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 Re-read Joanne Harris’ ‘Chocolat’.


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Photo Taking with Santa



 First year Horatio actually  noticed the existance of Santa.

 We headed to our GP for his Conjunctivitis checkup the other day (got it from other children in a Christmas block party) (Block party is a party organise by your street. Our road has it on pretty much every occation. There are a lot of household here have kids. So there is even a ice cream truck here every Sunday).  To our delight, we found out there was a Santa in our local mall for picture taken (the GP's clinic is in the shopping mall). Horatio immediately jump onto the lap of the man in red, blabbing away about life etc.). When asked what he want for Christmas, he said: "Presents!". Well, let's just say he's not a particular greedy person, doesn't have specific thing that he wants for Christmas. As long as persents he's jolly happ enough.

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Pic: Macho men in action.


1. After months of assessments, Horatio finally cleared of Autism (the doctor is out of his mind diagnosed that). Yes, he is a bit behind in language development etc, but all bilingual kids are like that, so...

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Pictures: Horatio's playing in the treehouse

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Pic: Second houses built from the block borrowed from the toy library. Showing off.

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Ambrosia ( Amber) Louise Price

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Pic: Exploring the tank with Daddy

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(Images extract from Nude Footwear: www.nudefootwear.com.au)

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 "Looks like it's a girl."

"Are you sure about that?"

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 I read somewhere lately that one of many ways to unwind yourself is not to watch tele an hour after you got home. I thought this is a good idea and would like to give it a try. The article didn't really say if it works to a woman with kiddies, but...it's not hurt trying, isn't it?  Usually after I got home, I would put on 'Teletubbies', 'Hairy Maclarry', 'Wiggles' or 'Bubba' for Horatio to watch while I can surf the net or doing some other house chores. That never work well as Horatio tends to be more interested in what I was doing than what's on the tele. Ended up we both got really stress as I was pretty much get nothing done and Horatio kept wondering why was mammy keep sitting in front of computers.

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Pic: Ooops, caught in the act. Guess what I am trying to get? Grandma will definitely faint if she saw this....

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 Anyone know how to toilet train a baby?

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